Thursday, June 20, 2013

Winter at the Windsor means its time for the Whales

The huge Southern Right Whales have started to arrive back in Walker bay. Reports of sightings of these gentle giants are starting to become more frequent, and more and more people are starting to see them from land. 

One of the pleasant surprises this year, if you go out on the whale watching boats, is the many reports of viewings of Humpback whales. What a treat to possibly see 3 separate whale species (as it is extremely likely that you will come across Bryde's whales) on the same trip. 

If the seas are to rough to venture out on the boats, well then stay in your room, or take a seat in the lounge of the Windsor Hotel and order a good bottle of wine and view the whales playing in the massive waves that smash up on the rocks of the cliffs in a dramatic fashion.

Winter in Hermanus and at the Windsor is a "best kept secret" time to visit